Home Fallas 2010 Fallas Pza del Pilar

Falla Pza del Pilar

"Modern times"

Artist: José Lafarga.

Cost:   210.000 Euros.

Height:  18 metres.

Prize:  6th special section.


Click this link to see Infantile Falla Pza del Pilar (first section)

Click this link to see Video of Falla Pza del Pilar


Recalling the movie of Charly Chaplin, of the same title. The advances and the innovations of the movies, photography, aviation, radio, ...

From the prehistory to the new technologies, from the old Mercedes car 540k to the space excursions.





"Modern times it is the falla of Pilar, that of advances and discoveries is going to speak. In black and white they will explain history in order to refresh to the people the memory".


Falla Pza del Pilar

"The first olympic fire. By Alberto Ruiz Gallardón".

"Gallardón wanted at the beginning of the civilizations to organize some games. And that was by his..buttons".

Falla Pza del Pilar

"The first falleros created their first house and with flags they adorned it".

"These prehistorics invented the celebration, occasion to make fun of without lack of understanding, and to the world offered this conquest ".

Falla Pza del Pilar

"The invention of the wheel is going to be capital, knowing that the objective was sexual".


The Olympic Games of the classic time.

"TAll the different disciplines at the same time were born, with techniques not too fine "

Falla Pza del Pilar

"No of them was doped, because all were fit and clearly was noticed ".

Falla Pza del Pilar

"To the girl they wanted to conquer. No matter the price, although it was to hurt them".

Falla Pza del Pilar

"The photo finish would say if the winner were one of them. But would be decided in the last sigh ".

"Scene sponsored by AirConect, shouts us and we will go flying, whenever we are not in bankrrupcy ".




The torture of the junk tv adapted to medieval times

Falla Pza del Pilar

"This old belt of abstention, you bought it , if you were rich "

Falla Pza del Pilar

"Tortured to see Karmele by television. It could finish in suicide without choice. "

"To see the television 1000 hours they have tortured him, by its crimes, the sentence is excessive "


New models of life, consumer customs

Falla Pza del Pilar

"The Venus of the present time no longer is thin, because eating hamburgers likes more"

Falla Pza del Pilar

"At this time of the overweight, always eating you will be surprised "

Falla Pza del Pilar

"Cavadas has made a gang of friends, children that never have to be rich "

"By the smile of any child already we know all the good that has done "

"In his trips he makes many miracles, and the operations are spectacles "


"To all those that with their effort made possible the arrival of the modern times"


The era of the liberties

Falla Pza del Pilar

"If the 'Socarrista' has to helps us, do not take it with nerves nor haste, because that will not be today, will be... tomorrow "



Falla Pza del Pilar

"Before the Olympic Games of Montreal, Gallardón was looking for the possibility of organizing some Olympic games "

Falla Pza del Pilar

"We have to all the Alcantara family, and with the 'beach Tourist' it seems that they pass unnoticed "

Falla Pza del Pilar

"Carmen de Mairena takes a walk, and walking his indecency, looks for a man without more task"


"Console, Wii and a thousands of things... In modern times it is normal that the parents in their children exhaust their money "

"An endless listing... if the gifts are not expensive you can promise to your children the ocean and the seven seas"



Last update: April 2010 Víctor & Ruth