Home Fallas 2014 Fallas Mercado Central


Falla Mercado Central

"Love between fiestas"

Artist: Xavier Herrero.

Cost: 100.000 Euros.

Height: 16 metres.

Prize: 11th Special Section.

Click this link to see Video Falla Mercado Central


"About the love valencias feel for their fiestas, and also love and brotherhood that Valencian festivals profess. Many people are also protagonists in several."

"The falla pays homage to the main celebrations of Valencia, Las Fallas, the July Fair, Corpus, Sant Donis, October 9, etc. .."

"A loving couple formed by a moor and fallera preside the great romance of falla, accompanied by the sounds of festive music while Cupid throws arrows of 'festive' love to the tender couple."



"If this great moor in the top hugs the fallera which is in love, is because of festive concord"


"Flowers battle"

"The political battle we wanted to dramatize, with humorous and satirical look and flowers to throw "

Flowers battle

"Cayo Lara, this red carnation, wants the elections forward. So much joy gives him going to manifest!"


"A rose already withered the old PSOE represents. Rubalcaba need the slack that discourages."


"As a funeral Chrysanthemum, Mariano Rajoy makes us mourn. With so much cuts we have that we can not eat."


"Oltra pricks like a thistle when making speeches in parliament. Of Compromis is the bastion and the other the suffering!."

"UPyD seems the sunflower facing the moving sun. Rosa Díez wants to be president of the government this way?."

Christian and dulzaina player

"Christian also loves to sympathetic guy of dulzaina. She certainly intimate as the drummer go!"


"Corpus. "

"Corpus seven deadly sins come to but one of them is very natural and happens when fevers occur in the bird. "


"Secretly suffers moma love for this faller. His rival, servant of Muhammad, is ahead."

fallas and hogueras

"Fallas and Hogueras. "

"As the holidays are like in Valencia and Alicante, if municipalities let us, we will go fellowshipping them."

hogueras and fallas

"Fallas and Hogueras dear sisters are. Among parties, the first and most beautiful in the world".

"Celebrating spring or the shortest night of the year, the falla and the hoguera are coming from old tradition".

"Share music, fireworks, color and fire. unifies the cardboard but differs slightly".


"Easter. "

"These political leaders with a Lenten abstinence have to do as penitents because of having ruled that bad."

"The citizen also suffers the consequence of crisis. Joblessness seems the most vile penance."

"They flagellate us with taxes to solve the great disaster. The nonsense of the provosts us have to pay."

"The crisis is the penance we can no longer prevent and politicians from Valencia of the punishment can not save them."

"Moors and Christians. "

"The love between our fiestas makes share traditions: the indigestible binges and drink cans."

"When are Moors and Christians, or in Fallas week, if a party makes Valencia, provided the liquor rush."

"This unique crew getting drunk is all done. the case is whether a good drunk catches as a gentleman."

"These shameless revelers have seized such drunken, that when they pee in the streets, without fear show it all."

"Sant Denís. "

"A crack in Granada, sweetest fruit species, is where every weekend, will pit the bird."

"Fat or mountain bird, the size does not matter. If you give a lot of job you will be in mortal sin."

"Bulls. "

"Besides national holiday falla bull has another meaning: when the artist is just doing bad the falla of the commission".

"The pessimistic president sees the collapse and wants to eat the artist hunting him with shotgun".

"You can see in some workshops, a few days before the setting up, thousands bulls appear and the poor artist making tremble".

"To 'have bull' means, if you ask fallero slang, the artist do a terrible planification of times in the workshop".

san vicente

"San Vicente. "

"Near here is going to have start the Miracle of Mocadoret and today returns San Vicente of the finger".

"After so much obstacles, Rita retains its power. That will be a new miracle of our San Vicente Ferrer?".

"With everything that has happened does not beaten by the opposition! Will San Vicente that has performed unusual intercession?".

san vicente

"All children should learn very quickly the script very well, the miracle of the mayor who never leaves the chair".


"Fallas festival and procession join in the calendar, doubts between the dress or blouse as he is fallero and brother".

"Fallas and brother at a time, so many acts must go overheated sometimes he does not know how to dress. "

"There are so many Valencian that are this way, they want to be part of the Vincentian board and festive of Campanar"

"Cirialot, Jabo y Moma, all that has to dress .. do not comment him or even make a joke that in the corpus can not get out!"


Last update: April 2014.

Víctor & Ruth