Falla Sueca-Azorín

"Where he goes through, razes"

Artist: Javier Álvarez-Sala.

Prize: 8th Special Section.

Cost: 110.000 Euros.

Height:16 metres.

Click this link to see Child Falla Sueca-Azorín

Click this link to see Video of falla Sueca-Azorín

"Attila, the king of the Huns who, as the legend says, where he passed with his horse, grass did not grow again.                             
The ancient and classic Roman imprint, and also the old and wise Europe, were and have been swept away by the barbarian attack."

"Also in the world of fallas, can be razed by the verdict of a jury, all the illusions of a commission.
Spain is a country devastated by the chaos of corruption ... and what lefts. In sexual practices, sometimes defeats come from the smallest.
Compulsive consumers are willing to raze whatever they put ahead, in order to get the best bargains."

"Wherever he goes, devastates. Of the great Attila they said that. He had an incomparable mark, to sow the destruction, although in our days we annihilate much more than in the days of Attila!."

"The head of woman is Europe, which looks with concern as in the villages there is no brotherhood. And in her head, the Coliseum, devastated by the shrapnel, in the purest style 'Nou Mestalla'."

"And now let's leave presentations, you will want to visit this falla, to discover how nowadays we live with destruction!."


"Captain Trump, wherever he goes, razes."

"Now we must be very attentive. This parade does not takes place in Alcoy, neither in Villeana, nor in Onteniente. It's on the streets of Washington, and people are nervous!."

"Enter the great Christian Captain, named Donald, surname Trump. Presume without decorum, that now he will rule."

"His feet have already crushed gays, women and people of color. The Mexicans tremble at their wailing wall."

"In this triumphal entry Melania accompanies him, dancing to the timbales rhythm because she is already first lady. What times those when the great Obama commanded!."


"Through the hole that passes, it devastates."

"How happy is this guy, the merchandise arrives, which will fill the sex shop and more than one hole with joy!."

"But pay attention, that the fire extinguisher is not to be sold, do not deceive yourself, that if that happens, it devastates.. and also does some damage!."


"Under the warlike helmet we find a good alcove, to put a good 'cap', which for that is always time."

"Below is a list of 'caps' that have made history and people talk about."

"The most important, the 'cap' of the Bourbon, which he had with Vedette, who previously worked with lions!."

Loading elephant

"Weapons of mass destruction takes the Hindu to the elephant. The animal sees that its trunk with that of the Indian can not be compared."

Dogs with owners

"Man's best friend, wherever he goes, razes."

"Do not fall into the delusion, which weighs the pet, which sometimes of small size, leaves the mountain of 'shit'!."

"Already happened in Roman times and also happens with Ribó, they are like antipersonnel mines, the streets with poop!."

"Wherever he goes, he razes. Of man the best friend, doesn't matter street or square, for poop and pee!."

"The jury of 2016, wherever he goes, razes."

"This pattern of devastation, a day such today now makes a year, the jury of the special section, which as Godzilla devastated."

"Wherever he goes, razes. This monster with 5 heads, great understanding of the party, but blind to score!."


"Tragedy near Convento, we hered tears in El Pilar. At Antiga nobody happy, at Exposición they lamented at Malvarrosa, laughs,approach in Almirante, at Regne fed up, in 'shock' Mistral-Murta and not so bad Mercado Central!."

"Alone Casanova that Carsí planted, got cheers on the 16th at night."

"But with the Sueca circus, this dragon was fattened. He swung on the trapeze, and the 9th gave us. No clowns laughed and dwarfs grew, who knows what will happen this year!."

"The gender violence, wherever it goes, razes.

"Now contemplate this view, above this arc of triumph, there is a warrior without fear, fighting to the macho violence."

"The warrior is alone, but she does not lose hope that someone will finally help her, that wherever she goes ... this slaughter is swept away!."

"Many men believe themselves brave to their women mistreating, if we do not stop them, of violet bows everything will fill."

"The fallas we are aware of and despite this raw scene, we hope it will help, burn the 19 this violence!."

falla children

"Falla, whrever it goes..razes"

"When March arrives some people think that we have a barbarous invasion, of which nobody is saved, the one of the falleros and the commissions!."

"They dig in the houses, they put walls of containment, and if the children ring the bell, they contain the breathing!."

"The will for the falla, the children want to ask, the neighbors prepare the shrapnel, for the enemy to shoot down!. Really that wherever it goes, it razes ... a commission that wants to plant?."


"Attila no more goes through an no more razes."

"Attila is worried ... they take him a bucket of lilies, since he is nervous, because he wants to retire and the pension is not enough!."

"The bill of light, wherever it goes ...razes".

"See this devastated village? It is trapped by the flames, not that they have burned it, it is by the electric companies that roar!."

"The light raises the tariffs, it is a luxury to warm up, turn off the heating, get up to the braziers and burn!."

attilas horse

"Many horses like this equine, have been binge with years of fat cows at the expense of our country, leaving very devastated our welfare state."

"How fed up is his horse, bad of belly with so much grass, has left devastated Spain and that nobody can arrange."